- Nursing homes
- Old age homes
- Operation Deny Flight, 1993-1995
- Operation Desert Fox, 1998
- Operation Linebacker, 1972
- Operation Pocket Money, 1972
- Operation Provide Comfort, 1991
- Operation Sea Dragon, 1966-1968
- Operation Southern Watch, 1992-2003
- Operation Uphold Democracy, Haiti, 1994-1995
- Passenger lists
- Payment
- Persian Gulf War, 1991
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pollution
- Poverty programs
- Price Regulation
- Prisoners of war
- Property
- Psychology
- Receiverships
- Recruiting and enlistment
- Relocation of Japanese Americans, 1942-1945
- Repatriation
- Research
- Restricted securities
- Rural development
- Russians
- Sailors
- Sales
- Savings and loan associations
- Scientists
- Securities
- Small business
- Social scientists
- Social security
- Sociology
- Soldiers
- Space flight
- Standard industrial classification
- State governments
- Stockbrokers
- Stockholders
- Stocks
- Strikes and lockouts
- Technical assistance
- Terrorism
- Tornadoes
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975
- Wages
- War casualties
- War damage
- War on Terrorism, 2001-2009
- Warships
- Wildfires
- Women soldiers
- Women-owned business enterprises
- World War, 1939-1945
- war use of defoliants