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Series Description

There are 2 Files for this series in AAD :
Viet Cong Initiated Incidents File (VCIIA): ASCII Rendered Fixed Table Data File, 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968 (info) Search
Viet Cong Initiated Incidents File (VCIIA): ASCII Rendered Periodic Table 1 Data File, 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968 (info) Search
Title: Viet Cong Initiated Incidents Files (VCIIA), created, 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968, documenting the period 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968
Creator: Department of Defense. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs). (06/30/1953 - 07/06/1993). (Predecessor)
Department of Defense. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis) (09/10/1965 - 04/11/1973). (Most Recent)
Type of Archival Materials: Data Files
Textual Records
Level of Description: Series from Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Other Titles: VCIIA
Location: National Archives at College Park - Electronic Records, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001. PHONE: 301-837-0470; FAX: 301-837-3574; EMAIL: cer@nara.gov
Inclusive Dates: 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968
Coverage Dates: 1/1/1965 - 12/31/1968
Part of: Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Function and Use: The agency created and maintained this series as a repository of detailed data on Viet Cong terrorist activities against military units during the Vietnam War. The agency used the data to determine patterns of activity or targets, to evaluate security and pacification efforts, and to act as an intelligence base for military decisions.
Scope & Content Note: This series provides select historical data on enemy initiated incidents during the Vietnam War, for the period 1965-1968. The data document the location in South Vietnam, broken down by province, and time of individual incidents, type and objective of the enemy action, and the results of each. Included are the number of enemy/friendly battle casualties, and soldiers wounded in combat, missing in action (friendly only), or made prisoners of war for each incident, further broken down by (friendly only) service category, U.S. or allied armed forces involved, and the number of enemy units present. The Systems Analysis unit of the Assistant Secretary of Defense inherited this series from its International Security Affairs unit in 1965.
Access Restrictions: Unrestricted.  
General Note: The file was in a computerized application using the National Military Command System Information Processing System or NIPS, a report generator software product. The NIPS software had three types of records: Control Set, Fixed Set, and Periodic Set. The Control Set contained the record identification data. The Fixed Set contained constant information about the action. Two possible Periodic Sets were also included in the NIPS data file. While each incident had one Control Set and Fixed Set, it had as many Periodic Sets as needed. The agency transferred the records to NARA in a NIPS format. NARA staff created files independent of the NIPS software by creating a separate file for the Fixed Set and the Period Sets. The Control Set is listed in both the Fixed and Period Set and serves as the primary key to provide the relationship between the records in the Fixed Set and the records in the Periodic Sets. In the case of the VCIIA NIPS file, the NIPS file did not contain any records in the Second Periodic Set. NARA staff created files for the Fixed Set and the First Periodic Set in two forms. One form is a file containing fixed length records and the second form is a file containing tab delimited records. Each form is based upon a combination of the record layout found within the NIPS file and the agency documentation.
Finding Aid Type: Technical Information
Finding Aid Source: NARA and Office of the Secretary of Defense
Extent: 3 data files, 1 electronic documentation file, and 5 linear inches paper documentation
Index Terms
  Subjects Represented in the Archival Material
    Armed forces
Battle casualties
Missing in action
Prisoners of war
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
    Mat trân dân tôc giai phóng miãen nam Viêt Nam
    South Vietnam (Vietnam, Asia) territory

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