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Series Description

There are 3 Files for this series in AAD :
Index Master File, 1/1/1984 - 12/31/1988 (info) Search
Index Master File, 1/1/1989 - 12/31/1992 (info) Search
Index Master File, 1/1/1993 - 12/31/1995 (info) Search
Title: Index to the Correspondence, created, 1/1/1984 - 12/31/1995, documenting the period 1983 - 1995
Creator: Department of Housing and Urban Development. Office of the Secretary. (1965 - ) (Most Recent)
Type of Archival Materials: Data Files
Textual Records
Level of Description: Series from Record Group 207: Records of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Other Titles: Consolidated Index to Correspondence of HUD Secretaries
Location: National Archives at College Park - Electronic Records, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001. PHONE: 301-837-0470; FAX: 301-837-3574; EMAIL: cer@nara.gov
Inclusive Dates: 1/1/1984 - 12/31/1995
Coverage Dates: 1983 - 1995
Date Note: The agency maintained this system from January 1, 1984 to December 31, 1995. It contains some information that dates back to 1983.
Part of: Record Group 207: Records of the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Function and Use: The agency created this database as an index to the correspondence of the Office of the Secretary. Theindex helped ensure that incoming letters went to the appropriate official and received a proper and timelyresponse.
Scope & Content Note: The index contains information about each letter received by the Office of the Secretary. It includes thecontrol number assigned to each letter; basic information about the letter, such as the name of sender,date and summary; and information about actions taken on the letter. Most of the letters are from thegeneral public, either sent directly to the agency or referred to the agency by other federal agencies,members of Congress or the White House. The index covers the terms of Secretaries Samuel Pierce, JackKemp and Henry Cisneros.
Access Restrictions: Restricted - Partly. FOIA (b)(6) Personal Information. This series includes three partially restricted files. NARA created a public use version of these restricted files that masks some data to protect the privacy of individuals.
General Note: The Automated Correspondence On-Line Response Network (ACORN) is the name of the softwareprogram that managed the index.
The agency also referred to these records as the Consolidated Index to Correspondence of HUD Secretaries.
Finding Aid Type: Technical Information
Finding Aid Source: NARA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Extent: 6 data files and .2 linear inches of paper documentation
Index Terms
  Subjects Represented in the Archival Material

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272