There are 8 Files for this series in AAD : |
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Institute of Biological Sciences)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Chemical Society)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Geological Institute)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Mathematical Society)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Institute of Physics)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Psychological Association)
1954 National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1954 - 1954
(American Meteorological Society)
Title: |
National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel Files, created, 1954 - 1970,
documenting the period 1954 - 1970 |
Creator: |
National Science Foundation. (1950- ) (Predecessor) National Science Foundation. Office of the Assistant Director for Scientific Personnel and Education. Division of Science Resource Studies. Manpower Characteristics Studies Group. (Most Recent)
Type of Archival Materials: |
Data Files Textual Records |
Level of Description: |
Series from Record Group 307: Records of the National Science Foundation |
Location: |
National Archives at College Park - Electronic Records, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001. PHONE: 301-837-0470; FAX: 301-837-3574; EMAIL: |
Inclusive Dates: |
1954 - 1970 |
Coverage Dates: |
1954 - 1970 |
Date Note: |
Registers are available for 1954, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, and 1970. |
Part of: |
Record Group 307: Records of the National Science Foundation |
Function and Use: |
The agency initially created these registers to be a ready source to identify specialized personnel during a national emergency. As the value of the data for statistical purposes was recognized, the main purpose of maintaining the registers shifted to providing a source of statistical information on scientific and engineering personnel. The National Register was a major source of data for studies related to the development of national science policy, and provided information to Congress, agencies of the executive branch, State governments, private industry, and institutions of higher education. |
Scope & Content Note: |
This series contains data compiled from social and natural scientists who responded to survey questionnaires sent to them by professional organizations. Respondents to the questionnaires were academic and research professionals in the fields of anthropology, biology, chemistry, economics, geology, mathematics, meteorology, physics, political science, psychology, and sociology, among others. The content differs somewhat from year to year, but each record includes name, specific institution, sex, age, educational background, employment specialty, job function, income, language ability, citizenship, and professional organization memberships. Other information includes place of birth (after 1966), Social Security number (after 1964), employment status (after 1958), government sponsorship (after 1962), Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (after 1958), and city and state (after 1964). In some of the years, some professional organizations introduced unique questions in addition to those asked of all respondents. Professional organizations that collaborated included the American Institute of Biological Sciences; the American Chemical Society; the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; the American Geological Institute; the American Mathematical Society; the American Institute of Physics; the American Psychological Association; and the American Meteorological Society. |
Access Restrictions: |
Restricted - Partly. FOIA (b)(6) Personal Information. Public use versions of these files are available. |
Finding Aid Type: |
Technical Information
Finding Aid Source: |
NARA and National Science Foundation |
Extent: |
8 data files and 10 linear inches of paper documentation |
Index Terms |
Subjects Represented in the Archival Material |
Language and languages
Names, Personal
Political Science
Social scientists
Contributors to the Authorship and/or Production of the Archival Materials |
American Chemical Society, Collaborator
American Geological Institute, Collaborator
American Institute of Biological Sciences, Collaborator
American Institute of Physics, Collaborator
American Mathematical Society, Collaborator
American Meteorological Association, Collaborator
American Psychological Association, Collaborator
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Collaborator